Welcome to Nematzadeh PLLC, Your One-Stop Litigation Practice
Nematzadeh PLLC is an evolved, unique civil and commercial litigation practice. Since our launch, the Firm is equipped with a demonstrated track record of results through a wealth of practitioner experience, especially in trials, on behalf of asset managers, small businesses, large corporations, entrepreneurs, government entities, public and private institutional investors, and individuals in United States federal and state courts, arbitration, and abroad. The Firm is headquartered in New York City but handles matters across the globe. We regularly prosecute and defend arbitrations, class actions, collective actions, individual actions, and mass actions arising from laws concerning the following: antitrust and unfair competition, including U.S. federal antitrust laws, state laws, such as the New York Donnelly Act (that may be amended through the New York “Twenty First Century Anti-Trust Act”), regulatory actions and investigations, and merger review; U.S. federal securities laws and state laws; mergers and acquisitions; corporate fiduciary duties; consumer protection; deceptive business practices; mass torts; whistleblower, qui tam, and False Claims Act matters; intellectual property; real estate; and other types of civil litigation.
The Firm is primarily focused on representing plaintiffs, with its leadership having experience practicing at some of the most prestigious plaintiffs-focused law firms in the world. The leadership has been involved in cases on behalf of plaintiffs that have collectively resulted in recoveries amounting to over $3.53 billion. The Firm also occupies the unique footing of being forged from leadership with experience at one of the most prestigious defense-focused law firms in the world, arming the legal team to defend complex commercial litigation. Whether you have suffered losses from alleged unlawful conduct or are being sued, you need the strategic representation that we provide.
Contact Nematzadeh PLLC or email lawyer@nematlawyers.com to discuss your case in confidence. Having an evolved, unique law firm model, the Firm possesses a sustainable competitive advantage of being able to creatively formulate hybrid legal fees, including, without limitation, contingency fees, hourly fees, fixed fees, phased fees, success fees, and a combination thereof, to best align and partner long term with its clients.